Sunday, June 10, 2007

Web 2.0 design traits

Mozilla.comI discovered these sites after searching for the various design traits of newly published websites that have jumped on the Web 2.0 bandwagon. I wanted to mimic the clean and simple design that has become so popular lately, and discovered Scratchmedia's Web Design from Scratch. I have to say, Scratchmedia has created a really impressive and useful site. I honestly can't remember when I visited a site and had all my question answered methodically and completely.

If you are looking to capture that fresh, simple look that has become so popular with sites like Apple , Mozilla/Firefox , or even the new WidSets site - then Web Design from Scratch is a must.

Widsets.comThere is a great section describing the use of simplicity and function in designing your site. The message here is remove everything that is unnecessary and you will be left with only the design that serves to best deliver the content of your site. This is really one of those Zen, "can't see the forest for the trees", K.I.S.S. type of comments that for all of its obviousness ends up being dreadfully easy to forget about. I can't bear to think about all of the hours I have spent creating icons and tweaking CSS, only to end up with a cluttered mess. A big thank you to Scratchmedia!

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