Saturday, August 25, 2007

New fun ultra goodness with Google Bookmarks

I am really digging my updated Google toolbar. I use Ma.gnolia quite a lot for bookmarking, since I can move from computer to computer and still get to my bookmarks. However, I have been frustrated with the accessibility - even with the nifty plugins available for Firefox, I find myself having to log on and manually find or edit them. Also, I found myself not wanting to clutter my page with second-tier bookmarks that I wanted just for temporary or private use that did not fit any particular category. Then I realized the distinction between "social" bookmarking and the more traditional approach. This is where Google Bookmarks comes in. Since I already had a Google account, importing all of my bookmarks from my laptop, my PC, and my work computer via the toolbar was a snap. Plus, the toolbar organizes the bookmarks in a way very similar to the traditional browser method, with drop down menus and folders. This is a very functional solution, and helps prevent losing your bookmarks due to computer reinstalls or upgrading browsers, etc. The Manage Bookmarks feature works pretty well, although with several hundred bookmarks (I know I have a problem) I found it a little tedious and had to prune my collection to stay useful.
I now find that I can focus on using Ma.gnolia for more what it was designed to do, which is sharing bookmarks in a social context and allowing you to browse bookmarks made by other users on similar content through tagging.
Also, although not quite as cool as the add-in for the Flock browser, you can easily post to Blogger from the toolbar as well. (Which is what I am doing right now!)

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