Friday, November 30, 2007

Design Tip: Grabbing pictures from MS Word

This has been working really well for me. I rarely resort to PDFing and saving as a graphic now when grabbing photos from MS Word:

  1. Open Word
  2. Right click on the picture – if you see “edit picture” it means they cropped it. Select “edit picture”. Otherwise, continue to step 7.
  3. Copy and paste the new picture that pops up into PowerPoint. Right click and select “Save as Picture…”
  4. You want to choose the destination directory first. Ideally, you should see a little black arrow next to the Save button. If you don’t, that means it was modified in Word with cropping or grouping, etc., and you’ll get mixed results this way.
  5. Click that arrow and choose “Save Original Picture”
  6. Voila! That’s it!
  7. If you don’t see “edit picture”, select “Format Picture”. Choose the “Size” tab and click “Reset” and “OK”
  8. Follow steps 3-6.

You’ll still need to open in Photoshop to convert it to CMYK and anything else, like more cropping.

1 comment:

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